How to install SQL Workbench for postgreSQL on WINDOWS 10
2 min readJul 29, 2019
It’s easy only 4 Steps:
1. Download and Install Java for Windows if doesn’t support you need to download the Java, it takes 5–10 minutes.
2. Download SQLWorkbench and Extract It Extract it and put it on safe folder
3. Download JDBC Driver Download and put in the same folder with SQLWorkbench Important! Put this file in a folder where it is safe and where you won’t accidentally move or remove it.
4. Open as Administrator: SQLWorkbench.exe
- Manage Drivers
- Choose PostGres
- Browse the JDBC Driver -> Choose the Library of JDBC Driver
- Select the Driver PostgreSQL
- URL: jdbc:postgresql://host:port/database_name. For example: jdbc:postgresql://
- Username of the database
- Password of the database